Jan 6

CSS gives you control over a web page and the website. Most importantly it allows for consistency throughout a website without defining formatting in HTML or XHTML. Using style rules, I can define how I want my text to look once in CSS and not have to code it each time. You can write a .css file and reference it for every web page on a site. This theme has a .css file that determines how everything I type right now looks – not matter what computer I am on, what time of day it is, or where the text comes from – because of CSS I don’t have to make sure each post looks the same, it is done automatically.

For practice today I changed the color of <div class = “description”> to white on the each page of my blog – the previous color, grey, was hard to see. I found the class in the .css file and changed what I needed. No coding on the page itself and if I change the text, I won’t have to worry about formatting the new text to match. Fantastic!

I also checked the CSS on my company’s website. Now that I know how CSS works, the structure and syntax, and how to write CSS, selectors and declarations, it is easy to see how it was applied to the company website and how to define and maintain our brand in every page.

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