In a previous post, (JavaScript != Java)… I had covered what JavaScript can do for a webpage and thanks to a great comment from @apexsutherland I now know the answers to the questions that I posed. Thanks again Alex! This post will be brief and cover the syntax of JavaScript.
I have started the book on C++ and that has greatly helped with my understanding of JavaScript (FYI: I will be posting again about the start of the C++ book and probably more on JavaScript as I learn more). Syntax to remember:
- Composed of statements that end can end with a ; or a line break
- Be mindful of capitalization because it is a case-sensitive language
- Single line comments start with //
- Multiple line comments start with /* and end with */
- Read the “=” as “is set to”
- Example : if (test condition) {value if true; value if false;} Note: does not have to have a value for a false return. Note: This is helpful for making sure web-to lead forms are completely and correctly filled out
- I need more time before I completely understand arrays – I see how they are set-up and know they are very important (saw them in action at Dreamforce with help from @jhoskins). Any suggestions?
To me, the syntax seemed very similar to C++. Now that I have started to learn about C++ it is greatly helping my comprehension of JavaScript and vice-versa for that matter! I am hoping it will help with arrays!
Welcome to cheat sheet #1. I am writing this to review what I have learned about HTML, XHTML, and CSS. Most of this is syntax that I needed to write down to help me remember!
- Elements:
- Identify parts of HTML using tags
- Tags come in pairs, start with <tag> and end with </tag>
- Elements that insert something look like <tag … />
- Anchor Elements:
- Inline elements, typically used for links… <a href=”link”>text</a>
- You can use the target attribute to tell the browser how to display the link; target= “_blank”
- Attributes:
- Information about an specific element
- Located within a tag and specify a value and look like this: attribute=”value” and can be in any order
- Comments:
- Start with <!- – and end with – – >
- Tag examples:
- <head>, </head>; <body>, </body>; <hn>, </hn>; <p>, </p>;
<meta (name” “)…(content” “)/>; <title>, </title>
- Separates style from the structure of a webpage and keeps the style of a website consistent
- They can occur on the page (internal) on in a text file (external) that has to be referenced using the <link rel(relative- resides on your site) or href (not on your site) /> or you can use
the @import “link”; after the <style> but before any style rule - Syntax looks like , selector {property: value;} and you can include more than one property with a value as long as they maintain the structure of property: value;
- Can create a style class and they are written like this: element.class attribute (if associated with an element) or .class attribute if not
- Inheritence. Parent elements find their way to child elements – if you say the in the body tag that the text is blue, it will be blue unless it is changed using inline style changes
My goal in January 2010 is to become a Certified Developer. This would be my 3rd certification and, in my opinion, the most important one moving forward. I am using the DEV-401 podcasts, my developer cookbook, and the online study guide. There are also some blogs that were recommended to me – is great and written by @johncoppedge (who also has a admin study guide)!
Certified Administrator – I took this exam a month before Dreamforce 2008. I wanted to pass it so I could recieve the special treatment that it came with! I thought the exam was fairly straight forward and easy. I had been my company’s Salesforce admin for about a year and a power user for 2 years. We use PE so I had to study and learn things in theory and apply them in my dev. org. If you are have not taken this exam but are an admin and a evangelist – I would look into it, study for, and take it.
Certified Consultant – I took this exam the day Dreamforce 2009 started after taking CON-201 the previous 2 days. There are parts of this exam that make perfect sense; eg. “Should you involve the VP of Marketing when talking about Campaigns?” Other parts are a bit more difficult. I found most of my trouble to be around the Service and Support. I do not use that functionality in my everyday work and I had to learn some best practices as well as learning how to determine the need for and implement the Service Cloud. I feel that most admins are already consulting for their own organizations, data gathering, managing expectations, selling new functionality internally, then I would look into it, study for, and take it.
If you have any questions, please let me know. I am more than happy to talk about this with you!